Complete Blood Count (CBC) 


Includes: 26 tests

A complete blood count test helps to inspect your overall health by detecting various health conditions like leukemia, infection, and anemia.

Also known as :

CBC, Blood Count, RBC Indices, Cell Indices, CBP (Complete Blood Picture)


Test Includes:

  1. Absolute Basophils Count, Blood
  2. Absolute Eosinophil Count, Blood
  3. Absolute Lymphocyte Count, Blood
  4. Absolute Monocyte Count, Blood
  5. Absolute Neutrophil Count, Blood
  6. Basophils
  7. Eosinophils
  8. Hemoglobin Hb
  9. Lymphocytes
  10. MCH
  11. MCHC
  12. MCV
  14. Monocytes
  15. MPV Mean Platelet Volume
  16. Neutrophils
  17. PCT
  18. PCV Haematocrit
  19. PDW Platelet Distribution Width
  20. Platelet Count Thrombocyte count
  21. P – LCC
  22. P – LCR
  23. RBC Count
  24. RDW-CV
  25. RDW (Red Cell Distribution Width)
  26. WBC-Total Counts Leucocytes


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